Search results
"tag:"android snippets""
Title and summary | Date/time | |
android:layout_alignBaseline vs android:layout_alignBottom
'Baseline', a typograpical term, is the line upon which most letters 'sit' and below which descenders extend. The beauty of using alignBaseline becomes apparent when considering the example of aligning two TextViews... |
19/10/2012 9:45:00 AM |
Latitude, Longitude to GeoPoint
HowTo get a GeoPoint(int , int) from a double latitude, longitude? GeoPoint co-ordinates are based in microdegrees i.e. (degrees * 1E6) |
07/09/2012 3:53:00 PM |
It's All Relative
If you ever need to display a scrollable list within an Android application, then getting comfortable with using RelativeLayout's is a must! |
19/04/2012 3:45:00 PM |